Test Drive Unlimited Solar CrownΒΆ


These steps are automatically verified and performed by SIMRIG Control Center. Start the game and follow the prompts issued by SIMRIG Control Center. Or use the auto-configure tool on the Settings Page.


All cars share a single profile due to limitations in the game.

Edit a configuration file to enable telemetry:

  1. Make sure to start the game once

  2. Close Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown

  3. Navigate to Documents/My Games/Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown

  4. Open UserSettings.cfg with Notepad

  5. Modify the file to include:

    Rc2.Telemetry.TelemetryPort = 20778;
    Rc2.Telemetry.TelemetryAdress = "";
    Rc2.Telemetry.EnableTelemetry = true;
    Rc2.Telemetry.TelemetryRate = 60;
  1. Done